Tuesday 26 April 2016

I Am Morgan Le Fay

Dear Diary,

Much time has passed since my last entry.

I've not been in the right frame of mind to write, neither have I had the energy.

I have found myself in the middle of circumstances that have almost entirely consumed me.  They have consumed me to such a point that I could not eat, sleep, breath or think.

To not be of my true self has been a very tiring and painful experience.  To not feel connected to the land, to my magic, to my past.

All I could do was wait until the clouds cleared a little, to allow the sunlight to peek through.  Despite my drained body and to-be-honest, sleepy mind, I am now able to see the light again.

It is only during these dark times that we can go within and find our inner strength.  It is only during these times of solitude that we can know ourselves.  I am strong.  I am Morgan Le Fay.

Blessed Be my feet as I walk upon this Earth.

Morgana xxx

Monday 15 February 2016

Morgana Pendragon's New Website At Wix.com And Other Things

Dear Diary,

I do not trust anyone.  It is something I have learned the hard way.  So I have made a choice to spread myself across the land upon and appear in multiple places.  I am so many things, not just this, not just that.  I am the giver and the taker.  I am the friend and the enemy.  I am the blessing and the curse.

I cannot help these things.  So I do not fit into any one cateogory or field.  I cannot be described or contained within.  I have to find my own way, carve my own route in order to fulfill my own destiny.

I am too experienced and too 'saucy' to align with any 'psychic' phone services and too 'spiritual' and 'alternative' to align with any purely 'cam girl' promotions.  Oh dear!  What a shame, I shall cry...or not as the case may be.  After all I have always made my own way, have I not?

For the next week or so I have to hide who I really am in the face of some 'friends' who have decided to grace me with the presence.  They do not care for, nor believe in the old ways.  So I shall sit, say nothing, nod my head and drink tea.  I shall answer politely when spoken to and agree with a smile to any suggestions of activity.

This will likely bore me within an hour and so my brain will fall asleep and in my half-wakeful state I'll start seeing those who only dwell in the half-light.  I shall silently giggle at the goblins who'll be making fun of these 'normal' folk and wave, as though just moving my hair, to the gargoyles who'll be scraping at the windows.  Maybe I'll just curse, under my breath or speed up time, who knows.  It depends upon my mood.

A curse is a curse oh yes, but done with care, can be quite entertaining and very beneficial.

Despite the mountains of still frozen hail that was growing outside, I just had to get out earlier.  I'd sat for far too long again at my computer, trying to get my Wix.com website finished.  It is done now, for the most part.  It looks quite good I think although for some reason the background has widened since launching it.  The URL is not bad: http://morganaofavalon.wix.com/index although I would have preferred not to have to add the extra characters at the end after the /.

So I went, hood up, well wrapped, down to the beach, where I sang to the Goddess to bring me more of her stones of power.  The tide was out, although rough.  The way the light was hitting the waves was quite beautiful, so I took a video on my phone.  I shall have to find the lead to transfer the photos and videos off of my phone soon as I've probably not got much space left.

NOTE: Remember to remember to find phone cable.

I ended up walking right along the tide edge as far as I could, cold as it was.  I always know when a stone of power is going to be revealed to me.  Today I was brought several smaller ones.  Again, photos to follow.  One is almost like dragon's blood resin, but sparkly and seems to contain the heat as you hold it.  One is a pure white rough piece of quartz.  As usual I also came home with a fossil stone and a piece of moonstone.  I nearly got my feet wet, but hopping in and out of the sea to grab at stones as the appear, is just so worth it.

Oh and I've not written about my new bunny have I?  Merlin, as I've called him is a young male, while and pale grey lop.  His fur is wonderfully fluffy and sparkles when the light hits it.  He has a very sweet nature and is just so cuddly that I've not gotten much done the last couple of days.  A very welcome addition to Morgana's Animal Sanctuary!  Donations are most welcome!

My eyes are tired this evening now.  Welcome my bed will be.

Blessed Be

Morgana xxx

Thursday 11 February 2016

The 'Weird' Chaotic Energy Of Morgana Pendragon's Jupiter Day.

Dear Diary,

What a day!  Today has been an extremely strange day energy-wise and I've not got a thing done that I'd planned to.  I'm assuming that there is a 'viable' magical reason for this and hoping that it's not just a random blip.  I hate the wasting of time.

I am currently waiting for the manifestation of several spells of enchantment and it is typical of the time when things are about to take a turn.  It is a law of magic that magic has to manifest via chaos.

This morning I answered the door to the postman only to have a stray dog, rush in.  This was not just any old dog and it was not a cute dog.  It was a horse-like ugly mutt of a dog that thought it owned the place.  My two went mental.  What a racket.  I then had to chase this uninvited monster of a hound, around the house, before going for an unplanned walk in my dressing gown, to try and find who the hell it belonged to.  I didn't find the owner, but a local builder took it off my hands, thankfully.

Then, several light bulbs went, leaving the back of the house dark and dingy.  I've ordered some new ones.

Then, trying to get back to my day, I bathed my two little Maltese, as they were overdue after which Jasmine decided to shiver uncontrollably despite the house being warm.  So I ended up having to cuddle-dry her until she warmed up.  Wet Maltese down one's jumper - mmm...lovely!

My brain has not been able to focus at all on what I should've been doing, due to having so many interruptions and appointments.

Appointments for this, appointments for that.  Speak to this person, discuss that with that person.

Waiting.  Today was also very much a day of waiting.  Delays, people being nice, don't get me wrong, but making me wait so much it tested my patience.

The long walk home was a much slower walk than usual as my thighs were aching so much from all of the walking I did yesterday.  I didn't get any peace either as I passed the tall trees.  That's the place where I usually breathe a sigh of relief and talk to the tree spirits.

Today though, I couldn't get a word in edge ways for fay chit-chat.  Yes, thank you for talking and asking me lots and lots of questions.  Your presence is welcome...err...just not now and not all at once!

Then, just as I got home, cold and thirsty and totally knackered, the old lady who lives next door thought she had a 'strange' man in the house.  She didn't, she's just old and loosing her mind, bless.

Her daughter later called on me to ask what had happened right at the time when I was cooking dinner, so my Salmon got cremated.  Salmon is not cheap either.  It got eaten though.

Then, then, then!

Then all of the children whose voices could be heard decided to argue with each other, shouting, storming off, throwing things.  Very loudly.

What is today?  A Jupiter day.  Normally a good day, so what the fuck?  Yes, I said fuck, it is a wonderfully therapeutic modern swear word.  If I were still writing by hand in my paper journal it would be written in VERY large writing all across the page right now.

FUCK, fuck, fuck and fuck.  Underlined and in BOLD!

Take a deep breath or ten Morgana.  Relax Morgana.  Think of lakes and owls and flowers and lavender incense and shit like that Morgana.

Right, now for some kick-ass incantation writing for peace and fucking quiet!

"I call to the Element of Air this night, to blow your wind and take away this chaos with your might.  Mental annoyances with your gusts now fast remove, my fucking headache please now soothe."

What?  Did I say fuck again?  What a fucking shame!

Blessed Be

Morgana xx

P.S. If I eat a whole packet of fudge this evening don't blame me!

Sexual Sorcery Via Skype With Sexual Sorceress Morgana Pendragon

Dear Diary,

Since re-launching my Morgana Pendragon, Priestess Of Avalon, Sexual Sorceress & Seductress website a few weeks ago, I have received so many emails and messages via Skype asking me exactly what it is and what Sexual Sorcery can be used for.  I need to write some more blog posts and maybe an F.A.Q to answer some of the questions that I am being asked.

Make Note - Write 'Sexual Sorcery F.A.Q.'

I've also been asked how my Skype Sexual Sorcery Sessions work, so need to write a break-down for newbies, detailing exactly what they can expect from their Skype Sexual Sorcery time with me.

Make Note - Write 'A Guide To Sexual Sorcery Sessions.'

Being registered at SkyPrivate.com now is brilliant as people can pay-per-minute for my time as well as pre-book.  It is still much better though to get those interested to pre-book as I do get so busy and am often fully booked, especially on the new and full moons.


My SkyPrivate.com profile looks quite good I think, although I wish HTML could be used within the copy of the listing itself:

So now I can accept payment via CamModelDirectory.com, LiveCamModelShows.com, my website at ModelCentro.com and SkyPrivate.com for private bookings.  Obviously I can also offer my Sexual Sorcery Sessions via webcam on the cam sites when I'm live.

Once my new internet line is installed and up and running I need to get set up at MyFreeCams.com as well as Chaturbate.com - where I can stream live regularly.

I do like the pay-per-minute facility though.

Oh-my-Goddess, such a strange thing just happened...will write about it later as got to dash.

Blessed Be

Morgana xxx

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Walking the Spirit Back Home

Dear Diary,

I have spent so long sitting here at my desk that today I just could not do it.  I re-wrote that article first thing in any case, so it's not like I didn't do anything.  I also added the link to SkyPrivate.com to my website and answered a few emails.  Then that was me done.

I have always followed my heart and today my heart just wanted to walk, and so I walked.

I walked to town and found a few pieces of clothing, some of which I'll alter to make my own.  I then continued down to the bookshop where I spoke to the man who only seems to see me in the form of butterflies.  I told him that he should take a look at my website and he'd know why.  He has such a wise and kind energy about him.  I don't think he knows of his gifts.

After browsing through books and not finding anything that stood out, I left the man and his visions of butterflies and walked to the park.  I sat in front of the lake for a while and called to the fairies and we sang songs together of memories past.  As the light was fading, I didn't sit for long and so walked to the forest and listened to the waters as they cascaded down through the streams in the valley.  The waters roared today quite loudly.

Then as I passed the old stone bridge, everything went dead quiet all of a sudden.  It was as though I had left the land of the living and as I turned to look back, to see why the sound of the gushing waters had quietened, a darkness fell upon me.  The damp leaves blew across my path and then as suddenly as it came, it went.  When it went, I felt such a relief, but looking down at the time on my phone I realised that more than an hour had passed.

Where had I gone and why was the path so short and yet the time passed, so long?  A shiver ran down my spine and I made my way up the steep path to home.

Reaching my courtyard garden, the rays of the setting sun blinded me.  The sky turned orange as I opened the door and I felt the warmth of the fire burning inside.

As I took my hat, coat and gloves off a poem came to me.  It told me of time missing that was filled with nothing but the moment.  A moment within which everything stood still to allow me to catch my breath and heal my heart.  It knew at that moment that I had gone home and come back again.  I knew that I had been home as the scent of the land I knew was in each and every one of my breaths and my hair was glistening with magic, as if lit from within.

It was a good poem but then the words went too, before I could write them down.

Then the evil died.

Going to feed the animals before the sun disappeared completely, I found the body of the white rat that would not be loved.  The rat that I kindly took in but who bit and clawed at me whenever I tried to go near it or her sister.  I did not cry.  I just took her sister, kissed her, bathed her and have given her a home with me in the house.  She cannot be left alone now.

It is strange how the passing of time, the shedding of pain and the ending of life always seem to come together.  I took on too much, with love and in an attempt to offer kindness but sometimes the spirits of those within which evil lies will never welcome or know kindness.

A lesson I have learned the hard way at time.

Rest in peace Lily Rat.  May the Goddess welcome you, regardless of your ways.

Blessed Be

Morgana xxx

What Is A Sexual Sorceress?

Dear Diary,

Last night ended up being so very busy as people kept coming to me for my magical help and for advice.  I hate to turn people away, especially when they are so desperate for reassurance and support, so I worked until I had no more energy left.  Walking between the worlds, in and out of the mist, is always a wonderful feeling though.  It reminds me of when I used to reside there throughout each day and night.  It is always so strange to come back down to Earth and remember that actually, I am now living in the modern world, still by the waters, but in a far different landscape and time.

Morgana Pendragon Priestess Of Avalon Sexual Sorceress Seductress

I came across an old article that I'd written a few years ago whilst scanning the internet, I've revised it slightly, as one does:

What Is A Sexual Sorceress?

A Sexual Sorceress is a woman who has studied the ancient arts of sexual sorcery and has been initiated into a particular tradition, following a lengthy period of devotion, study and practice, dedicating herself to the performance of those sexual arts, to the service of the deities of her Sexual Temple and to the people who attend her Temple.

Also known as Priestesses, Witches, Enchantresses, Sexual Sorceress's often come from a lineage of past sorcerers and possess natural magical, psychic and healing gifts, which they would have developed and perfected as part of their training. They are highly skilled in multiple disciplines and are able to offer assistance to those who need it. A Sexual Sorceress may also train other suitable men and women in the ancient sexual temple arts.

Those in need the help of a Sexual Sorceress in their life can email me at: morgana@morganapendragon.com

Blessed Be

Morgana xxx

Tuesday 9 February 2016

My Magical Aphrodisiac Potion For Sexy Pancakes

Dear Diary,

Another holiday today - pancake day!  I thought I'd share one of my all-time favourite recipes with readers of my blog at: http://www.morganapendragon.com/post/38672/morgana%E2%80%99s-magical-aphrodisiac-potion-for-sexy-pancakes

It read:

Morgana’s Magical Aphrodisiac Potion For Sexy Pancakes

Merry Meet,

Tired of the same old, same old?  Want to try something deliciously and delightfully different this Pancake day?  Spice up your sex life with my magical Aphrodisiac Potion for the perfect Sexual Priestess pancakes!


This potion may cause extremely powerful orgasms!

I just love to turn boring and mundane foods into brighter and more magical ones.  I also love to create fire and passion with simple, yet very effective magical potions.

Try this at home for yourself today.

You will need:

Per person...
  •     9 fresh strawberries.
  •     One standard bar of Galaxy Caramel chocolate.
  •     One desert spoon of sweet brandy.
  •     Three fresh rose petals.
  •     One fresh mint leaf.
  •     A sprinkle of cinnamon.
  •     One tablespoon of honey.

Wash the fresh ingredients and remove the pit and any leaves from the strawberries.  Blend until smooth the strawberries, rose petals, mint leaf and honey.  Break the chocolate bar into small pieces and place in non-stick frying pan.  Heat the chocolate gently until it melts.  Stir in the blended berry mixture and then, still on a low heat, add the remaining ingredients.

Be careful not to burn.

Make sure that you stir the mixture in a clockwise fashion, ideally tracing an invoking pentacle into the mixture too, as you stir.  If you are unsure of how to do this simply type into Google ‘how to draw a pentacle.’

As you do this, breathe in the fragrance and bring into your mind a time in your life when you felt relaxed, happy, lustful, aroused and very ready to make love.  Place your left hand down upon your genitals and touch yourself in a loving and gentle but clean (in other words over your clothes not under) fashion.  Feel your sexual energies being stimulated as you do so, continuing to stir with your right hand.

If you have a partner, now is the time to imagine offering them your Magical Aphrodisiac Potion, within a pancake that you have also prepared.  See them being completely seduced by it’s aroma and taste, being drawn into it’s magic grasp.

As you imagine this, continue to stir, as you call in the elements and the Goddess of love and sex, by saying this chant, nine times, as fast as you can:

“Elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire, come forward and empower this potion I blend with desire.  Lady of venus, come forward and to this mixture I blend, the powers of sexual satisfaction and bliss now lend.”

Next, using your imagination, direct your own sexual energy that you have raised so far, to rise up through your body, down into the arm and hand that you are stirring with.  See this as an orange sparkly light and allow this light to penetrate and fill your mixture as you stir.
As you do this, blow three kisses, gently to avoid contaminating your potion, down into the pan.  Say:

“With these kisses I offer three, may sexual pleasure potent, come to thee.
As I will so mote it be.”

Draw an equal armed cross over the pan using your spoon, turn off the heat and either serve hot or leave to cool to decant into an air tight container to place in your fridge.

At this point your spell is cast, so you may offer thanks to the elements and Goddess and carry on your way.

Expect and know that your potion will bring you the passion you deserve and desire and leave no room for doubt.

I have used this recipe on many an occasion and have always found it’s effects rather pleasing!

I would love to know how you get on with it, so please do let me know - however naughty your night!

Blessed Be

Morgana xxx