Monday 15 February 2016

Morgana Pendragon's New Website At And Other Things

Dear Diary,

I do not trust anyone.  It is something I have learned the hard way.  So I have made a choice to spread myself across the land upon and appear in multiple places.  I am so many things, not just this, not just that.  I am the giver and the taker.  I am the friend and the enemy.  I am the blessing and the curse.

I cannot help these things.  So I do not fit into any one cateogory or field.  I cannot be described or contained within.  I have to find my own way, carve my own route in order to fulfill my own destiny.

I am too experienced and too 'saucy' to align with any 'psychic' phone services and too 'spiritual' and 'alternative' to align with any purely 'cam girl' promotions.  Oh dear!  What a shame, I shall cry...or not as the case may be.  After all I have always made my own way, have I not?

For the next week or so I have to hide who I really am in the face of some 'friends' who have decided to grace me with the presence.  They do not care for, nor believe in the old ways.  So I shall sit, say nothing, nod my head and drink tea.  I shall answer politely when spoken to and agree with a smile to any suggestions of activity.

This will likely bore me within an hour and so my brain will fall asleep and in my half-wakeful state I'll start seeing those who only dwell in the half-light.  I shall silently giggle at the goblins who'll be making fun of these 'normal' folk and wave, as though just moving my hair, to the gargoyles who'll be scraping at the windows.  Maybe I'll just curse, under my breath or speed up time, who knows.  It depends upon my mood.

A curse is a curse oh yes, but done with care, can be quite entertaining and very beneficial.

Despite the mountains of still frozen hail that was growing outside, I just had to get out earlier.  I'd sat for far too long again at my computer, trying to get my website finished.  It is done now, for the most part.  It looks quite good I think although for some reason the background has widened since launching it.  The URL is not bad: although I would have preferred not to have to add the extra characters at the end after the /.

So I went, hood up, well wrapped, down to the beach, where I sang to the Goddess to bring me more of her stones of power.  The tide was out, although rough.  The way the light was hitting the waves was quite beautiful, so I took a video on my phone.  I shall have to find the lead to transfer the photos and videos off of my phone soon as I've probably not got much space left.

NOTE: Remember to remember to find phone cable.

I ended up walking right along the tide edge as far as I could, cold as it was.  I always know when a stone of power is going to be revealed to me.  Today I was brought several smaller ones.  Again, photos to follow.  One is almost like dragon's blood resin, but sparkly and seems to contain the heat as you hold it.  One is a pure white rough piece of quartz.  As usual I also came home with a fossil stone and a piece of moonstone.  I nearly got my feet wet, but hopping in and out of the sea to grab at stones as the appear, is just so worth it.

Oh and I've not written about my new bunny have I?  Merlin, as I've called him is a young male, while and pale grey lop.  His fur is wonderfully fluffy and sparkles when the light hits it.  He has a very sweet nature and is just so cuddly that I've not gotten much done the last couple of days.  A very welcome addition to Morgana's Animal Sanctuary!  Donations are most welcome!

My eyes are tired this evening now.  Welcome my bed will be.

Blessed Be

Morgana xxx

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