Wednesday 10 February 2016

Walking the Spirit Back Home

Dear Diary,

I have spent so long sitting here at my desk that today I just could not do it.  I re-wrote that article first thing in any case, so it's not like I didn't do anything.  I also added the link to to my website and answered a few emails.  Then that was me done.

I have always followed my heart and today my heart just wanted to walk, and so I walked.

I walked to town and found a few pieces of clothing, some of which I'll alter to make my own.  I then continued down to the bookshop where I spoke to the man who only seems to see me in the form of butterflies.  I told him that he should take a look at my website and he'd know why.  He has such a wise and kind energy about him.  I don't think he knows of his gifts.

After browsing through books and not finding anything that stood out, I left the man and his visions of butterflies and walked to the park.  I sat in front of the lake for a while and called to the fairies and we sang songs together of memories past.  As the light was fading, I didn't sit for long and so walked to the forest and listened to the waters as they cascaded down through the streams in the valley.  The waters roared today quite loudly.

Then as I passed the old stone bridge, everything went dead quiet all of a sudden.  It was as though I had left the land of the living and as I turned to look back, to see why the sound of the gushing waters had quietened, a darkness fell upon me.  The damp leaves blew across my path and then as suddenly as it came, it went.  When it went, I felt such a relief, but looking down at the time on my phone I realised that more than an hour had passed.

Where had I gone and why was the path so short and yet the time passed, so long?  A shiver ran down my spine and I made my way up the steep path to home.

Reaching my courtyard garden, the rays of the setting sun blinded me.  The sky turned orange as I opened the door and I felt the warmth of the fire burning inside.

As I took my hat, coat and gloves off a poem came to me.  It told me of time missing that was filled with nothing but the moment.  A moment within which everything stood still to allow me to catch my breath and heal my heart.  It knew at that moment that I had gone home and come back again.  I knew that I had been home as the scent of the land I knew was in each and every one of my breaths and my hair was glistening with magic, as if lit from within.

It was a good poem but then the words went too, before I could write them down.

Then the evil died.

Going to feed the animals before the sun disappeared completely, I found the body of the white rat that would not be loved.  The rat that I kindly took in but who bit and clawed at me whenever I tried to go near it or her sister.  I did not cry.  I just took her sister, kissed her, bathed her and have given her a home with me in the house.  She cannot be left alone now.

It is strange how the passing of time, the shedding of pain and the ending of life always seem to come together.  I took on too much, with love and in an attempt to offer kindness but sometimes the spirits of those within which evil lies will never welcome or know kindness.

A lesson I have learned the hard way at time.

Rest in peace Lily Rat.  May the Goddess welcome you, regardless of your ways.

Blessed Be

Morgana xxx

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