Tuesday 9 February 2016

My Magical Aphrodisiac Potion For Sexy Pancakes

Dear Diary,

Another holiday today - pancake day!  I thought I'd share one of my all-time favourite recipes with readers of my blog at: http://www.morganapendragon.com/post/38672/morgana%E2%80%99s-magical-aphrodisiac-potion-for-sexy-pancakes

It read:

Morgana’s Magical Aphrodisiac Potion For Sexy Pancakes

Merry Meet,

Tired of the same old, same old?  Want to try something deliciously and delightfully different this Pancake day?  Spice up your sex life with my magical Aphrodisiac Potion for the perfect Sexual Priestess pancakes!


This potion may cause extremely powerful orgasms!

I just love to turn boring and mundane foods into brighter and more magical ones.  I also love to create fire and passion with simple, yet very effective magical potions.

Try this at home for yourself today.

You will need:

Per person...
  •     9 fresh strawberries.
  •     One standard bar of Galaxy Caramel chocolate.
  •     One desert spoon of sweet brandy.
  •     Three fresh rose petals.
  •     One fresh mint leaf.
  •     A sprinkle of cinnamon.
  •     One tablespoon of honey.

Wash the fresh ingredients and remove the pit and any leaves from the strawberries.  Blend until smooth the strawberries, rose petals, mint leaf and honey.  Break the chocolate bar into small pieces and place in non-stick frying pan.  Heat the chocolate gently until it melts.  Stir in the blended berry mixture and then, still on a low heat, add the remaining ingredients.

Be careful not to burn.

Make sure that you stir the mixture in a clockwise fashion, ideally tracing an invoking pentacle into the mixture too, as you stir.  If you are unsure of how to do this simply type into Google ‘how to draw a pentacle.’

As you do this, breathe in the fragrance and bring into your mind a time in your life when you felt relaxed, happy, lustful, aroused and very ready to make love.  Place your left hand down upon your genitals and touch yourself in a loving and gentle but clean (in other words over your clothes not under) fashion.  Feel your sexual energies being stimulated as you do so, continuing to stir with your right hand.

If you have a partner, now is the time to imagine offering them your Magical Aphrodisiac Potion, within a pancake that you have also prepared.  See them being completely seduced by it’s aroma and taste, being drawn into it’s magic grasp.

As you imagine this, continue to stir, as you call in the elements and the Goddess of love and sex, by saying this chant, nine times, as fast as you can:

“Elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire, come forward and empower this potion I blend with desire.  Lady of venus, come forward and to this mixture I blend, the powers of sexual satisfaction and bliss now lend.”

Next, using your imagination, direct your own sexual energy that you have raised so far, to rise up through your body, down into the arm and hand that you are stirring with.  See this as an orange sparkly light and allow this light to penetrate and fill your mixture as you stir.
As you do this, blow three kisses, gently to avoid contaminating your potion, down into the pan.  Say:

“With these kisses I offer three, may sexual pleasure potent, come to thee.
As I will so mote it be.”

Draw an equal armed cross over the pan using your spoon, turn off the heat and either serve hot or leave to cool to decant into an air tight container to place in your fridge.

At this point your spell is cast, so you may offer thanks to the elements and Goddess and carry on your way.

Expect and know that your potion will bring you the passion you deserve and desire and leave no room for doubt.

I have used this recipe on many an occasion and have always found it’s effects rather pleasing!

I would love to know how you get on with it, so please do let me know - however naughty your night!

Blessed Be

Morgana xxx

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