Wednesday 10 February 2016

What Is A Sexual Sorceress?

Dear Diary,

Last night ended up being so very busy as people kept coming to me for my magical help and for advice.  I hate to turn people away, especially when they are so desperate for reassurance and support, so I worked until I had no more energy left.  Walking between the worlds, in and out of the mist, is always a wonderful feeling though.  It reminds me of when I used to reside there throughout each day and night.  It is always so strange to come back down to Earth and remember that actually, I am now living in the modern world, still by the waters, but in a far different landscape and time.

Morgana Pendragon Priestess Of Avalon Sexual Sorceress Seductress

I came across an old article that I'd written a few years ago whilst scanning the internet, I've revised it slightly, as one does:

What Is A Sexual Sorceress?

A Sexual Sorceress is a woman who has studied the ancient arts of sexual sorcery and has been initiated into a particular tradition, following a lengthy period of devotion, study and practice, dedicating herself to the performance of those sexual arts, to the service of the deities of her Sexual Temple and to the people who attend her Temple.

Also known as Priestesses, Witches, Enchantresses, Sexual Sorceress's often come from a lineage of past sorcerers and possess natural magical, psychic and healing gifts, which they would have developed and perfected as part of their training. They are highly skilled in multiple disciplines and are able to offer assistance to those who need it. A Sexual Sorceress may also train other suitable men and women in the ancient sexual temple arts.

Those in need the help of a Sexual Sorceress in their life can email me at:

Blessed Be

Morgana xxx

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