Thursday 11 February 2016

The 'Weird' Chaotic Energy Of Morgana Pendragon's Jupiter Day.

Dear Diary,

What a day!  Today has been an extremely strange day energy-wise and I've not got a thing done that I'd planned to.  I'm assuming that there is a 'viable' magical reason for this and hoping that it's not just a random blip.  I hate the wasting of time.

I am currently waiting for the manifestation of several spells of enchantment and it is typical of the time when things are about to take a turn.  It is a law of magic that magic has to manifest via chaos.

This morning I answered the door to the postman only to have a stray dog, rush in.  This was not just any old dog and it was not a cute dog.  It was a horse-like ugly mutt of a dog that thought it owned the place.  My two went mental.  What a racket.  I then had to chase this uninvited monster of a hound, around the house, before going for an unplanned walk in my dressing gown, to try and find who the hell it belonged to.  I didn't find the owner, but a local builder took it off my hands, thankfully.

Then, several light bulbs went, leaving the back of the house dark and dingy.  I've ordered some new ones.

Then, trying to get back to my day, I bathed my two little Maltese, as they were overdue after which Jasmine decided to shiver uncontrollably despite the house being warm.  So I ended up having to cuddle-dry her until she warmed up.  Wet Maltese down one's jumper - mmm...lovely!

My brain has not been able to focus at all on what I should've been doing, due to having so many interruptions and appointments.

Appointments for this, appointments for that.  Speak to this person, discuss that with that person.

Waiting.  Today was also very much a day of waiting.  Delays, people being nice, don't get me wrong, but making me wait so much it tested my patience.

The long walk home was a much slower walk than usual as my thighs were aching so much from all of the walking I did yesterday.  I didn't get any peace either as I passed the tall trees.  That's the place where I usually breathe a sigh of relief and talk to the tree spirits.

Today though, I couldn't get a word in edge ways for fay chit-chat.  Yes, thank you for talking and asking me lots and lots of questions.  Your presence is welcome...err...just not now and not all at once!

Then, just as I got home, cold and thirsty and totally knackered, the old lady who lives next door thought she had a 'strange' man in the house.  She didn't, she's just old and loosing her mind, bless.

Her daughter later called on me to ask what had happened right at the time when I was cooking dinner, so my Salmon got cremated.  Salmon is not cheap either.  It got eaten though.

Then, then, then!

Then all of the children whose voices could be heard decided to argue with each other, shouting, storming off, throwing things.  Very loudly.

What is today?  A Jupiter day.  Normally a good day, so what the fuck?  Yes, I said fuck, it is a wonderfully therapeutic modern swear word.  If I were still writing by hand in my paper journal it would be written in VERY large writing all across the page right now.

FUCK, fuck, fuck and fuck.  Underlined and in BOLD!

Take a deep breath or ten Morgana.  Relax Morgana.  Think of lakes and owls and flowers and lavender incense and shit like that Morgana.

Right, now for some kick-ass incantation writing for peace and fucking quiet!

"I call to the Element of Air this night, to blow your wind and take away this chaos with your might.  Mental annoyances with your gusts now fast remove, my fucking headache please now soothe."

What?  Did I say fuck again?  What a fucking shame!

Blessed Be

Morgana xx

P.S. If I eat a whole packet of fudge this evening don't blame me!

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